Rosehip oil
Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil is known in the field of phytotherapy and natural cosmetics as excellent healing and natural regenerating . This oil comes from the pressing of the seeds of the rosehip which contain beta-carotene, vitamin C, A and some essential fatty acids such as Omega 9, oleic and retinoic acid.
There is a high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids (Alpha-Linoleic, Linoleic and Gamma-Linoleic, Oleic, Palmitic and Stereatic) essential for the regeneration of skin tissues and membranes. These fatty acids condition the dermatological and cosmetic effects of rosehip oil as they are useful for the renewal of skin cells .
The Transretinoic acid, an isomer of Vitamin A, strengthens the integrity and efficiency of epithelia and natural cellular immunity.
The effectiveness of rosehip
Rosehip oil boasts active ingredients essential for fighting blemishes due to the presence of scars and stretch marks . It is useful for its soothing action against sunburn , age-related skin spots , to reduce expression lines and to prevent aging premature skin .
Put on dry and damaged skin or acne scars, it deeply hydrates and leaves the skin supple immediately, eliminating the signs of fatigue.
Application of rosehip oil on face and body
Apply rosehip oil on the face, either directly or used as an active ingredient in creams, it moisturizes and helps fight skin aging and eliminates unsightly marks on the face, such as the so-called crow's feet. It is also widely used to remove dark spots due to both age and incorrect exposure to the sun.
On the body it is an effective cicatrizant able to counteract the stretch marks caused by weight changes yo-yo effect or pregnancy. It is highly regarded for its ability to regenerate scar tissues, injuries and fissures.
Rose oil applied to dry and stressed hands mosqueta restores nourishment, hydration and dryness, helping to postpone premature aging.